Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect the Environment
After School and Holiday Care for children in the local community

Summer Holiday Club 2023
This summer we are open from Monday 24th July -Thursday 10th August 2023
£45 a day (+£3 for the seaside trip toward train fares) 9:00-6:00
Week 1 drop off and pick up at Dulwich Village infants, Francis Building, 181 Turney road
Monday 24th July
Paddling pool and inflatables party.
Brockwell Park Playground and Paddling pool
Wednesday 26th July
Horniman's Walk amongst the animals and across the road to the triangle playground.
Thursday 27th July
Chalkwell Beach
Trip to Essex to cool off with a paddle in the sea
Friday 28th July
Summer themed arts and craft
Week 2 and 3 drop off and pick up is at South London Scout centre, Grange lane, SE21
Monday 31st/7th August Forest school Foraging in the woods.
Tuesday 1st/8th August Picnic with Dinosaurs
Wednesday 2nd/9th August Wells Park
Thursday 3rd /10th August Shoreham by Sea
Fridays Closed.
Please email Suzie to book or for more information

Forest School
The children arrive for breakfast at the club from 8:00am.
The children should bring a water bottle, suitable out door clothing and a packed lunch.
The children will have a picnic lunch in our garden and then travel to the woods by bus.
They will explore the woods looking at the Fauna and Flora, Climb trees, learn to use the tools and do some bird watching, time to play and bus back to the club.dinner is served at around 4:45.
Hometime is at 6pm.
Chalkwell Beach
The club is open for breakfast at 8:00am.
We aim to leave for the day at 9:15.
The children need to bring: suitable shoes for paddling, a bucket and spade if they have one and a packed lunch in a ruck sack.
We will travel by 42 bus and then train to Chalkwell beach.
The children will have their packed lunch on the beach and will explore the seaside with adult supervision.
Then back to the club in time for dinner and hometime at 6pm.