Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect the Environment
After School and Holiday Care for children in the local community
"We are very happy with the DVIS after school club; Suzie is delightful and has such a good way with the children - as well as parents. The space the children have is roomy and light with a fantastic large green garden to play in. Our son loves it and often complains when I arrive - asking why he has to leave already?!"
Annie, Milo's Mum
"I want to stay at after school club for ever and ever"
Milo, 5 years old
"We often call the after school club 'Suzie's' as it feels like a second home for Alex to go to. He sometimes asks to go on days he is not even booked. We think all the staff are great and make the club really special. We love the holiday club too. Forest school and beach trips are brilliant, I don't know what I would do without it!"
Jen, Alex's mum
"Heads up, thumbs down is my favourite game. And I love playing football outside!"
Alex, 5 years old